High School Information
Building Strong Foundations
KAI Global School
Discover KAI Global School: Accredited Private School Offering OSSD in Canada and Online Worldwide. Our Administration, Faculty, and Students Uphold Ministry Standards for Excellence in Education.
Students with Individual Education Plans
Students require support from various sources to thrive in their school experience. Some may have special needs that go beyond standard classroom practices. In Ontario, those with exceptionalities may need modified educational approaches. This could involve accommodations or adjusted grade level expectations for specific subjects. These students may be formally identified as exceptional.

Want to Learn More About KAI Global School?
KAI Global School is a accredited private school in Canada, offering the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) to both Canadian and international students through online education. Our school administration, faculty, and students adhere to the regulations set by the ministry to uphold rigorous standards and deliver world-class education.
School Calendar
Please note that KAI Global School does not issue refunds. All students must think carefully about the courses for which they are registering. Click below to get the school calendar.
A student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR) is maintained at their home school. If a student completes a Reach Ahead or Make-up course with KAI Global School, we will send official copies of the final report card back to the home school. The credit earned will then be added to the student’s ongoing transcript.
The OSR is a physical file containing the official records for a student and is protected by the Education Act and Freedom of Information legislation in Ontario. It is a mandatory record for every student enrolled in an Ontario school.
If a student who is not currently registered with a school wishes to take courses with KAI Global School, their OSR must be transferred to us. In cases where a student has never attended a public, Catholic, inspected Ontario private school, or an Ontario International School, an OSR will need to be established by KAI Global School. We will also assign an Ontario Education Number (OEN) to the student.
In the event that a student transfers to another Ontario school before completing their diploma with KAI Global School, the OSR must be transferred along with them. KAI Global School will be responsible for sending the OSR and all associated documents to the new school.
Ontario Student Transcript
The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is an official document issued by public, Catholic, and inspected private schools in Ontario, as well as Ontario International Schools. It provides a comprehensive record of a student’s academic history, including successfully completed courses, withdrawals from courses that occurred five days or more after the midterm report card, repeated courses in Grades 11 and 12, and equivalent credits granted for work in non-inspected Ontario private schools or schools outside of Ontario. The OST is stored within the Ontario Student Record (OSR) and is retained for 55 years after a student leaves school.
If a student is currently enrolled in another school, whether public or private, and is taking a single course with KAI Global School, their OSR remains at their current school. Upon completing the course with KAI Global School, we will send a copy of the report card back to the student’s home school. Additionally, the completed course will be added to the ongoing list of courses on the student’s transcript.
It’s important to note that since September 1999, the Ontario Ministry of Education has mandated a policy of full disclosure. This means that all grade 11 and 12 courses attempted by students must be recorded on Ontario Student Transcripts.
Student Enrolment and Withdrawal
Teachers will create a calendar of due dates for students to follow based on their individual profile. The student can start the course within 24 hours of registration & move through the course at the pace which they agreed with their teacher. The only restriction placed on the student is that the student must complete the course within 10 months. The student will be unenrolled from the course if they take longer than 10 months to complete the course. Students may wish to purchase additional time to complete the course and this can be granted at the discretion of the principal.
Student Withdrawal Policy
The Ministry of Education has legislated that students taking grade 11 and 12 courses are subject to a Full Disclosure Policy. This policy states that all grade 11 and 12 courses attempted by students must be recorded on Ontario Student Transcripts. This means that any course completed, dropped, failed, taken at day school, night school, or summer school will appear on a student’s transcript along with the marks earned in the programme. There are timelines to be followed. Withdrawals occurring within 5 days of issuing the first report card from KAI global school global school will result in the mark not being recorded on the OST. A withdrawal from a Grade 11 or 12 courses after 5 days of the issuing of the first report card results in a “W” being entered in the “Credit” column of the OST along with the mark at the time of the withdrawal. Withdrawals at any time from Grade 9 or 10 courses are not recorded on the OST. If extraordinary circumstances relate to a student’s withdrawal from a course, an “S” may be entered in the “Note” column on the OST.
Repetition of a Course
Only one credit is earned if the course is repeated. In Grade 11 and 12, an “R” appears on the student’s OST for the course with the lower mark.
Equivalent Credits
Out-of-province students or transfers from non-inspected private schools may be granted equivalent credits upon the Principal’s evaluation of the student’s previous learning.
- “Equivalent Credits” are entered in the “Course Title” column.
- “PLE” is entered in the “Course Code” column.
- “EQV” in the “Percentage Grade” column.
- The total number of credits is entered into the “Credit” column.
- And the number of compulsory credits entered into the “Compulsory” column.
For the final report card
all students will have a mark.
- Grade 9 and 10: Students in grades 9 and 10 courses with an “I” designation may be considered for credit recovery. (Refer to page 42 in Growing Success)
- Grade 11 and 12: Students in grades 11 and 12 courses that have a blank entry designation on their final report card will not receive credit for the course. A mark by the designated dates must replace the blank entry. The lowest limit percentage of 30 may be used as a placeholder, wherein the teacher’s professional judgment a final mark cannot be determined. Credit recovery may be an option. “S” for special circumstances may be placed on the transcript when a mark is assigned.
- The other alternative is having the student withdraw from the course (as per ministry guidelines). The withdrawal would result in a “w” notation on the transcript and a credit value of 0 regardless of the mark assigned for completed work.
Also important to note for Final Report Card
With the new Growing Success Document, the “I” code indicates insufficient evidence to determine a percentage mark for students in grades 9-10 only. Examples of appropriate circumstances are listed below. (Refer to page 42 in Growing Success and p.p. 15-16 in Reporting Student Learning: Guidelines for Effective Teacher-Parent-Student Communication, 2010).
The “I” mark entry may not be used for grade 11 and 12 courses.
We will use the blank entry for all students in grades 11 and 12 for the reasons listed below. Therefore, Full Disclosure pertains to these students.
The following categories capture the specific scenarios where an “I” for grades 9 and 10 courses or blank entry for grade 11 and 12 may be the best assessment and evaluation practice for reporting practices:
- Late registrations (ESL, out of prov.)
- At-risk students with serious attendance issues (maybe social/emotional health issues)
- Medical reasons (student or family)
- Achievement Centres (timelines are not consistent with the semester, late start)
- Special circumstances (credit recovery, academic integrity)
Are you on track for your diploma?
Prerequisite Course
A prerequisite course prepares students for further studies and ensures they have the prior knowledge to succeed in subsequent work…
Grade 9-10 Courses
Academic courses in Grades 9 and 10 focus on the essential concepts of the discipline and additional materials. They develop students’ knowledge and skills by …
Grade 11-12 Courses
Open courses in Grades 11 and 12 are appropriate for all students. These courses allow students to broaden their knowledge and skills in a particular subject…
Refund Policy
Please note that KAI Global School does not issue refunds. All students must think carefully about the courses for which they are registering
Course Transfer Policy
A student may transfer from one course to another within the first two weeks of registration. If a student requests a transfer, an administrative fee will be required. A fee of $75 will apply if the student has not completed any of the assessments. A fee of $150 will apply if the student has completed no more than three assessments. The decision of the KAI Global School Principal is final in all cases involving refund requests and course transfers
Prerequisite Policy
Certain courses have prerequisite requirements. While KAI Global School allows students to begin these courses without initially providing evidence of completion, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain and send the school a copy of their Ontario Student Transcript (OST), Report Card, or Credit Counselling Summary as proof of meeting the prerequisite. KAI Global School will not issue a midterm or final report or transcript until the student provides this evidence. The document can be sent via mail, fax, or scanned and attached to an email to [email protected].
Additionally, a student can request that the KAI Global School Guidance team waive the course prerequisite requirement. The team uses specific criteria to evaluate whether the prerequisite course can be waived. Prerequisite courses are vital for preparing students for further studies and ensuring they have the necessary prior knowledge to succeed in subsequent work. For instance, ENG3U must be completed before beginning ENG4U. These prerequisite courses are specified in Ministry curriculum policy documents and are detailed in each course outline.
When registering for a KAI Global School course, students must submit a copy (scan or image) of original documentation, such as an Ontario Student Transcript (OST), final report card, or credit counselling summary, to demonstrate that they meet the course prerequisite.
Prerequisite Waivers:
Students who don’t directly meet a prerequisite for a course at Kanata Academy may be eligible for a prerequisite waiver. To apply, students should complete a Prerequisite Waiver Application online. This application should be finished before registering for a course. Documentation of waived prerequisites will be stored in the individual student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR).
Prerequisite waivers may be considered under various circumstances, including but not limited to:
– A student is changing programs at a post-secondary institution.
– A graduate applying to university didn’t take the appropriate high school courses.
– A homeschooled student seeking OSSD credits.
– An individual re-entering education after workforce experience, needing specific courses for admission.
– A worker needing a course for a new position without having the prerequisite.
– A student from another province/country requiring prerequisites for post-secondary education and unable to take the course(s) within their own jurisdiction.
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance and active participation are crucial for academic success. Students who do not consistently engage in their online courses may have a less effective learning experience. KAI Global School maintains attendance records to ensure both students and teachers regularly participate in their courses. Due to the continuous entry and exit model of our fully online courses, there is no fixed yearly or semester calendar. If a student decides to leave a course before completing it, they must formally communicate their intentions either in writing to the Principal or over the phone before they can be officially withdrawn. We emphasize consistent and relevant feedback and communication to motivate regular attendance and participation. Students who have not completed their course within 10 months from the day of enrollment will be automatically removed from the course.
Teachers closely monitor attendance patterns for their students and collaborate with them and their parents/guardians to provide support in any way possible. Students will be provided with a due date calendar to adhere to, and will acknowledge and share these dates with their parents. The course teacher and teaching assistants will routinely check calendars, student logins to Edsby, and student logins to our tutoring portal. If a student is a week or more late in meeting a deadline, an email will be sent home to inform parents. Adjustments to calendars can only be made with parental approval. If attendance issues persist, the administration will be notified, and potential consequences may include student and parental/guardian contact, attendance contracts, or withdrawal from the program.
For record-keeping purposes, attendance will be based on the number of completed lessons. For instance, if a course consists of 20 lessons and a student completes 16 of them, the attendance record would indicate that the student attended for 80% of the 110 hours. This value will be adjusted accordingly for mid-semester report cards.
Students who do not finish their courses within 10 months will be withdrawn from the course and will not be reinstated, unless there are documented extenuating circumstances.
It’s important to highlight that as of December 20, 2006, all students under 18 years of age are required to attend school unless they have already graduated or have a valid excuse from attendance.
Late and Missed Work Policy
It is the responsibility of students to provide evidence of their learning within established timelines. KAI Global School will implement strategies to ensure students submit evidence of their learning within appropriate and well-communicated timelines. Ultimately, it is a shared responsibility among parents, students and staff to ensure students provide evidence of their learning.
Intellectual Property
**Intellectual Property Rights:**
KAI Global School either holds the intellectual property rights to all the underlying HTML, text, audio clips, video clips, and other content provided on our website or has obtained permission from the owner of the intellectual property to use it on our site. Therefore, unless otherwise indicated, the copyright belongs to KAI Global School.
**Authorization and Limited License:**
KAI Global School grants you a limited license to view and display the content of our website on your computer. You may also print, download, and use the underlying HTML text, audio, video clips, and other content on our website under the following conditions:
– You are not allowed to modify the content provided on our website.
– You are not allowed to make any commercial use of such content.
**Privacy Statement:**
KAI Global School has formulated this privacy statement to underscore our strong commitment to privacy for individual students. Our Learning Management System, Edsby, may log IP addresses for system administration purposes. A student’s IP address may be used to track their website sessions. Our site uses forms for individuals to request information and register for classes and programs. We collect email addresses, postal addresses, and phone numbers to respond to these requests and get in touch with the student or parent. KAI Global School does not sell or provide any collected information to external parties unless required by law. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of these sites, or your interactions with them, you can contact: [email protected].